Privacy Policy
Updated on 03 May 2023
We are DSP. We’re a company registered in England & Wales with company number 02304733, whose registered address is at Shepherds Building Central, Charecroft Way, London, W14 OEE. In this privacy notice, we will refer to ourselves as ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’. We are the Data Controller of the personal information we collect, hold and use about you, as explained in this notice.
You can get hold of us in any of the following ways:
- by phoning us on TELEPHONE NUMBER;
- by emailing us at EMAIL ADDRESS; or
- by writing to us at ADDRESS.
We take the privacy, including the security, of personal information we hold about you seriously. This privacy notice is designed to inform you about how we collect personal information about you and how we use that personal information. You should read this privacy notice carefully so that you know and can understand why and how we use the personal information we collect and hold about you.
Customer supply privacy policy.